Transition Information
Transition across Key Stages
Transition into Nursery
- We offer ‘stay and play’ sessions for parents, carers and their children in the term before they are to start in Nursery.
- Home visits take place with the key worker.
- Parents fill out an ‘All about me’ booklet with their child providing useful information about learning experiences at home.
- Parents are welcome to stay with their child in their early days to ensure a smooth transition into Nursery life.
Transition into Reception
- We provide ‘New Parents Evenings’ in the Summer Term to clarify expectations, uniform, procedures etc.
- All parents receive a Reception ‘Welcome Pack’ with information about school meals, the school day, as well as important information forms to be completed.
- Nursery tracking sheets are forwarded to Reception staff
- There are transition meetings between staff about the children entering Reception.
- We are part of the Pen Green ‘Market Place ‘for local providers (Nurseries and Reception) to share information through a larger forum.
Transition into Key Stage 1
- Children in reception use books for adult led activities to prepare them for working in year 1.
- Read Write Inc. phonics scheme is used in foundation stage and transferred to KS1.
- Children spend the day with their new class teachers in July and parents can attend open evening to meet the new teachers.
- Assemblies are shared with Reception and KS1 – These build gradually throughout the year with 1 in the spring term, increasing to 2 in the summer term.
- Transition meetings are held between the Reception and Key Stage 1 teachers to hand over all tracking information and discuss each child on an individual basis.
Transition into Key Stage 2
- All children in year 2 work in the same books as in KS2 – e.g. same width of lines, amount of books etc.
- The timetable in KS1 is similar in KS2 with a morning break and lunchtime with no afternoon break.
- Read Write Inc. is transferred from KS1 into intervention work in Y3.
- Children spend the day with their new class teachers in July and parents can attend open evening to meet the new teachers.
- Transition meetings are held between the Reception and Key Stage 1 teachers to hand over all tracking information and discuss each child on an individual basis.
Transition into Secondary School (Key Stage 3) - Mainstream Pupils
- School placement letters are given to all Year 6 children once received from County at the beginning of September
- Children are allocated secondary schools on 1st March
- Consultation between admissions and parents takes place for unallocated children-school places for these children are then applied for by the school’s Wellbeing Manager
- All children receive small group work on a transition programme aimed at getting them prepared and talking through their worries
- Each school deals with transition differently as highlighted below:
Transition into the Special Provision
Transition into reception year in the Special Provision
- Parents are expected to book a tour before they name the DSP as their choice.
- Open evening attended where parents can meet the team, have a tour of the Unit, look at examples of work and uniform.
- A brochure and prospectus is given out to all new parents.
- Home visits are booked and attended by the class teacher and Unit Manager.
- Settling sessions are arranged before transition day where children attend initially with their parents and then without.
Transition throughout the year in the Special Provision
- Parents are encouraged to book a tour before they name the DSP as their choice.
- Unit manager will arrange to visit the child in their current setting before a place is confirmed.
- Parent and pupil are invited into the school for a tour.
- Settling sessions are arranged where children attend initially with their parents and then without.
Transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 in the Special Provision
- Unit Manager contacts the school to discuss the pupil and their needs.
- New school staff are invited into the Unit to spend some time with the pupils.
- Transition arrangements are made which include a pre-visit where photographs of the new setting will take place – these are used with the pupils and their families.