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Beanfield Primary School

Week 3 - 18th January

Hello Year 3,

We hope you have been enjoying your home learning and are starting to get into a new routine.

This week you will be focusing on division in Maths, as well as continuing to practice your 8x tables during your rockstars times tables sessions. In English you will be planning and writing your explanation text on rafts.

In Spanish you will be thinking how to say what the date is and we have included some youtube videos to help you too. As part of your topic lessons we are hoping you will be take part some in field work whilst exploring two more bridges: The Sydney Harbour bridge in Australia and The Grand Canyon Sky walk bridge in America.

There are also some fun PE and wellbeing activities for you complete too.

We hope you have a great week and look forward to hearing and seeing all the wonderful learning that you are doing - please email us pictures on of the learning you are completing at home as we'd love to see it!  Don't forget, you can also use this email if you need any help with your learning.

Year 3 Teachers :)