Assessment Information
Monitoring and evaluating the quality of Teaching and Learning
At Beanfield Primary School we have a very robust cycle of monitoring and evaluation.
Every term the Principal, Quality of Education Team, Phase Leaders and Subject Leads carry out a range of monitoring activities to ensure the following:
- We know our school very well.
- We can swiftly identify any aspect of the school that needs development or improvement and put actions into place to ensure this happens.
- All children are making expected or accelerated progress to enable them to realise their full potential
There is a termly cycle of monitoring and evaluation which is as follows;
- Data capture points - three times a year teachers use assessment tests alongside and their evaluation of a child’s current performance to enable them to assess each pupil’s current attainment in the core subjects - reading, writing, SPAG and maths.
- Pupil Progress Meetings - teachers meet individually with the Phase Leader after each data capture point to identify any individual children who are not making the progress that they should. Actions to address these issues are discussed and agreed and are then subsequently assessed for impact at the next meeting.
- Monitoring of teaching & learning - all teachers receive drop-ins to observe their teaching and are provided with coaching sessions about areas of strength in their teaching and areas needing improvement. If necessary, support from colleagues will be provided to model effective teaching & learning approaches.
- Children's books are also scrutinised to ensure:
- that the school marking and feedback policy is being followed and is leading to improved pupil outcomes
- that all children are being presented with an achievable challenge in their work
- that the quality of presentation is high
- that teachers expectations of all pupils is high
The Instructional Coaching team also conduct 'learning walks' and ‘Drop Ins’ each term which involve visiting every class to assess the quality of the learning environment created by each teacher in the school. These lesson dips also give insight into the typicality of teaching and learning in classrooms. All teachers receive coaching and a written summary of the findings from both the book scrutiny and learning walk with identified key areas for improvement highlighted.
Pupil Voice
Meetings are held with pupils to gain insight into pupil perception and experiences regarding teaching and their learning. Pupils also receive an annual questionnaire to gather their views on a wide range of issues.
Parent Voice
We have an annual parent questionnaire to provide parents with the opportunity to feedback on school performance. This is enhanced by providing parents with a report on their child’s progress at each data point. These reports provide a clear opportunity for both parent and pupil feedback. Parents are also given the opportunity to provide feedback during our two scheduled parents evening sessions in the Autumn and Spring Terms.
The Governing body at Beanfield play a very important role in monitoring the quality of teaching & learning at Beanfield. Governors spend at least three days a year in school focusing on their designated area of responsibility as well as talking to pupils, parents and staff to gain a clear picture of our performance. This detail is cross referenced against a scrutiny of our performance data, presentations from senior leaders and a range of key questions designed to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Following such monitoring activities targets or areas for development are identified and these are then a focus in future monitoring.