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Beanfield Primary School


Please click the link below to access today's learning resources.  Alternatively, you can download the attachments at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday's Learning

Daily Timetable:

Handwriting (30 mins)

Continue to practise your neat, cursive handwriting style.

SPAG (30 mins)

Complete these activities to show that you can use a semi-colon correctly.

Reading for pleasure (30 mins)

Read a book that you have chosen. Once finished, write a short book review in your home learning book that states whether you recommend this book to your peers and why.

Reading Comp (30 mins)

Read the text carefully and answer the questions relating to the text – Lottery winners again!

Maths  (1hr)

 Continue your work on fraction and decimal equivalence. Work through the reasoning and problem solving tasks, recording your answers in your home learning book.

Safer Internet Day (1 hr)

Revisit your internet safety knowledge.  How do you access the internet safely?  How do you determine if the information is reliable?