Beanfield Primary supports Walk to School Week

Students and staff at Beanfield Primary School are supporting the national Walk to School week with a walking bus each morning this week.
Students and staff at Beanfield Primary School are supporting the national Walk to School week with a walking bus each morning this week.
Around 100 children took part on the first day, meeting up at McColls store on Farmstead Road and then having a walking bus to the school, accompanied by teachers and support staff.
Education welfare assistant Callum Reilly said: ‘This is a national campaign and we take part every year with the support of the Borough Council. The first 30 children every morning get a balloon and normally a member of staff dresses up as a zebra as well! The police attended and Corby Council are hopefully going to send their neighbourhood warden team down as well.
‘Each class has a tally chart and every child that takes part, or walks to school anyhow get a mark. The winning class gets a trophy, chocolates and house points so that is an incentive. The winners will be announced in assembly on Friday. Lots of children and parents get involved and show their support for this scheme.
‘On Friday Year 6 will be doing a road safety chant outside at the end of the school day and the Borough Council are coming in on Wednesday and Friday, doing assemblies for KS1 and KS2 aimed at road safety, the importance of walking to school and healthy living. We are also having a healthy tuck shop on Wednesday linked in with the Walk to School week, so there is lots going on.’
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