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Beanfield Primary School


The Beanfield Curriculum

Our ethos that ‘no stone be left unturned in supporting every child to reach their full potential’ guides our curriculum implementation. Our core values of Respect, Community, Kindness, Curiosity, Resilience and Aspiration deliberately embrace these fundamental aims. Our values are deliberately designed and regularly promoted to help our children make positive contributions to their learning; their friendships; our school community and wider society.   

Our highly ambitious, accessible and research-based curriculum has been meticulously designed to focus on core and subject content knowledge. This enables knowledge recall, fluency and deep understanding. We have considered the best of what has been thought and said. We have an absolute focus on personal development and work towards National Curriculum end points and beyond.

All subjects within the taught curriculum are celebrated. We strive for a balance between the teaching of the core disciplines (maths, reading and writing) and the specific knowledge and skills contained in the curriculum foundation subjects, whilst also encouraging children to build their self-confidence and independence. 

Our inclusive curriculum means that all children are taught the most important knowledge, in the most appropriate sequence, to enable them to succeed. We develop life-long skills and offer rich experiences to enhance the curriculum. We address disadvantage and work hard to remove any barriers to learning - adapting and enhancing the curriculum offer where necessary so that, regardless of any vulnerabilities, every child can succeed.

If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please contact Mr Byrne, our Curriculum Lead, via