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Beanfield Primary School


You can access the learning resources for today by clicking on the link below or alternatively you can click on the downloads at the bottom of this page.

Friday's Learning

Daily Timetable:

Spellings (30 mins)

Have a go at the different spelling activities suggested!  Then complete this week’s spelling reasoning.

Reading for Pleasure (30 mins)

Discuss what you have read with someone in your house. Write 5 things you know about one of the characters in your book.

English (1hr)

Today you willwrite a missing persons advert for the young boy who got caught up in the tsunami from the video you have watched earlier in the week. Think about emotive language to complete this task.

Maths (30 mins)

Today’s maths learning is to complete the arithmetic test. Can you beat last week’s score?

Reading Com (30 mins)

Read the text carefully and answer the questions relating to the text.

PSHCE (1hr)

Read about having a positive attitude and how it can help you succeed! Create a poster including inspirational quotes.  Send in your inspirational posters so we can print and display them around the Annex.