Half Term
Below is a poster of activities if you need any inspiration for things to do over half term. Also, you may have seen the amazing work the children in school did in memory of Captain Tom Moore. We have attached the resources we used in school if children who have been at home would like to take part. We would love to see any pictures of your work if you do!
Attention Grown ups: On Monday 22nd February we are going to have a topic day and as part of this we would like you to keep any recyclable materials such as cardboard boxes, toilet rolls, plastic bottles etc... In addition, on Tuesday 23rd February during our English lesson children will have the opportunity to create a bridge using lollipop sticks (the ones you get with ice creams) - these can also be bought cheaply from ebay - so if possible we would like to collect as many as you can.
Have a lovely half term.
Year 3