Please click on the link below for today's learning resources or alternatively access them via the downloads at the bottom of the page.
Daily Timetable:
Handwriting and Vocab (30 mins)
Practice your bottom exit joins for fluid handwriting. Remember to use your neatest, cursive, joined handwriting and take your time
Spelling (30 mins)
Practise this week’s spelling words by looking, writing, checking and writing again. Then, work through the editing for spelling tasks correcting the sentences.
English (1hr)
Explore the class text ‘Floodlands’ What information do we already know and what more do we want to find out about the character and her journey.
Maths (1hr)
Use bubble maps to find percentages of amounts in fluency and problem solving question – check understanding using test questions.
Science (1 hr)
Recap the theory of evolution and Charles Darwin including its controversy – compare modern humans with members of the same genus and family thinking about how homo-sapiens have changed.