Physical Education
“'Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”
~ John F. Kennedy
Physical Education Intent
PE is a vital part of a primary school child’s education. Implementing the skills to lead an active and healthy lifestyle at this early age, as well as instilling a joy of physical activity, can have a hugely positive impact on children’s lives. Exercising regularly helps reduce the risk of obesity and developing health risks later in life, and can have a positive impact on improving mental health and social skills. For some children, PE can provide their best opportunity to really excel. Our aim at Beanfield is to provide children with opportunities to develop knowledge, gain fitness and compete with others to develop a love of sport and fitness. We take the head, heart and hands approach to PE, using the subject to develop children's social skills and perseverance as well as their fitness and sporting ability.
Physical Education Implementation
Through our PE curriculum, we cover a range of areas and sports. The areas of focus are:
- Send and return
- Attack, defend and shoot
- Hit, catch and run
- Run, jump and throw
- Gymnastics and dance
- Swimming
The skills in each area are covered through a range of sports, including football, netball, hockey, tag rugby, tennis, rounders, cricket and athletics. Alongside teaching PE, we encourage children to lead an active lifestyle by taking part in the daily mile and using the online video platform GoNoodle to achieve 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
Every child receives two hours of PE each week, building on a progression of skills leading to implementing them in a game situation. Teachers use their subject knowledge to make on-going assessment of children’s progress. Swimming is taught in Year 4, with interventions available for those who require support in Year 5 and 6.