Speech and Language
The following ideas and links have been provided by the Speech and Language Therapy Department with some ideas to help support your child at home if they have speech and language difficulties.
- https://www.smh.ie/news/latest/2020/04/17/communication-development-at-home-children-young-p/ for younger children
- Advice sheet for parents – see attached parent talk moves pdf
- http://www.ric.edu/sherlockcenter/wwslist.html - symbol friendly books
- https://www.afasic.org.uk/resources/free-downloads/schools-and-learning/ - talking tips for young and school age children from Afasic
- https://twitter.com/SLT_Worcs/status/1254832231933251584?s=09 – daily walk talking challenge
- https://twitter.com/OUPChildrens/status/1256116357252423680?s=19 – free book for any child who has been feeling worried
- https://youtu.be/7PwEhF6Pjbk - word games to support vocabulary
- Talking box activity – see attached screenshot
- https://www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk/make-your-own-story-dice-illustrated-by-nick-sharratt - jack and the beanstalk story dice