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Beanfield Primary School


Simple Steps for Volunteers

  1. Complete application form and return to school
  2. Attend a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership team to clarify experience phase/work preferences and school expectations
  3. DBS and documentation check
  4. Agree start date

Beanfield Primary School

Good practice guide for parent helpers and volunteers

Beanfield Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

Thank you for offering to undertake volunteer work at our school. Volunteers are an invaluable part of school life and staff and children at Beanfield Primary School are very grateful for your support and time.

Aims of this guide:

  • To outline the principles of good practice in matters of attitude and conduct when dealing with children in our care.
  • To help safeguard children from any abuse, whether physical, sexual, emotional or through neglect.
  • To help protect adults working with children from any false allegations.

During your visit to our school you will have a member of staff, often the class teacher, overseeing your work and whom you should take guidance from and report to. In addition to this, you are asked to read and abide by the following good practice guide.

We always strive to promote independence in our pupils. Therefore, sometimes, it is in the best interests of your child not to place you directly in the classroom with your child or in their group on a trip.


We expect all of our children and staff to show courtesy and respect to those around them at all times. Please deal with situations with the children firmly, but fairly and refer to the class teacher. If a member of staff displays behaviour that you feel falls short of these standards, it is expected that you will speak directly to Mr Smith, the Principal.

  • Please provide a good example and positive role model to pupils.
  • Behave in a mature, respectful, safe, fair and considered manner.
  • Treat all children with respect, in the same way that you would expect them to treat you.
  • Never make remarks or jokes to a pupil of a personal, sexual, racist, discriminatory or intimidating nature.
  • Never become involved in dealing with an issue involving your own child, please ask the class teacher to deal with the problem
  • All volunteers should be aware how their behaviour can affect all members of the school community and that everyone has the responsibility to avoid becoming involved in situations that could bring the school into disrepute or place themselves, or others, at risk.


Please respect the confidentiality of the children and adults you are working with. We expect anybody who works in the school not to discuss the personal issues of the people they are trying to support and nurture. Should a child discuss an issue with you that you feel the school needs to know about, please contact the class teacher. Never agree to speak to a child ‘in confidence’ since it is a promise you may not be able to keep. This is in accordance with county child protection guidelines. The progress/ difficulties of individual children must not be discussed with others outside the school including a child’s parents, even if it is a positive comment you are giving. If another parent does approach you or enquire about their child, please refer them to the class teacher. Always report any concern you have about a child or member of staff to the Principal or another senior member of staff. Never speak directly to a child’s parents.

It is a school policy that school issues are not posted on social networking sites –we ask you to respect the same policy.


All Staff are seen as role models and, as such, should always give careful consideration to how they dress and act. To ensure consistency across the school it is important that the message given to pupils about expectations for clothing is reflected in the professional clothing choices of all staff. E.g. No demin or black jeans, flip-flops, or uncovered shoulders (i.e. no “spaghetti straps” on summer clothes), sports clothes when not teaching sports etc.


In case of fire staff will evacuate the children in a sensible and orderly fashion. Please remain calm and assist the staff. Please familiarise yourself with the evacuation procedures on display in the classrooms and around the school.


Please refer any incident to a member of staff immediately.


All accidents or potential hazards should be reported to the School Office. They will be logged and actioned accordingly.


All visitors, including voluntary workers, must sign in and out of the office to be covered by insurance whilst on site. You must also obtain and clearly display a visitor’s badge, returning it as you sign out. The school takes its safe-guarding responsibilities seriously and we expect all visitors to adhere to our Safeguarding Policy. Any infringement of this will be dealt with most severely.

The school is required to undertake certain safeguarding checks on regular volunteers. For your own protection, make sure you are never alone with a child.


All adults must use the adult toilets situated in main reception. The use of the children’s toilet blocks is not allowed for any reason.


We do not discriminate against anyone, be they staff, pupil, parent or visitor, on the grounds of age, ethnicity, religion, belief, attainment, disability, gender or background. Do not discriminate favourably or unfavourably towards any child. For example, treat all pupils equally – never build ‘special’ relationships or confer favour on particular pupils. Do not give gifts or receive gifts unless arranged through the school.


We request that all visitors turn off their mobile phones while helping in the school building or grounds. Mobile phones must never be used to take photographs in the school building or grounds.