Week 4 - 25th January
Hello Year 6!
We hope you’re all doing well.
This week in Maths, we will continue to practise multiplying decimals by integers and using our skills to find solutions to problems. We will then move onto dividing with remainders as decimals later in the week. In SPaG, we are going to have a go at identifying how and when we use hyphens to show parenthesis in our writing. Following this, in English, we will be looking at the story of Haka and Pele before getting creative and putting it into a story map. We will then look at using powerful vocabulary to describe a character and a setting before putting them into sentences. In Topic, we are going to explore our local area. Have a look around for landmarks on your daily walks and make a note of them ready to create your own maps. Finally, we will continue to practise comprehension skills in reading - remember to read through the texts carefully to help you answer the questions – this is a great time to practise your skills such as skimming and scanning.
This week we would like you to complete the Y6 Quick Quiz at the end of the week to see how well you have learned and remembered some of the key learning points.
We’re sure you’re all working very hard at home – remember to write down or email any questions you might want to ask your teacher. If there is any work that you are particularly proud of, we would love to see and celebrate your work on the Facebook page. You can send your questions and pictures to: BPSY6@beanfieldprimary.org
Keep safe! We hope to see you all very soon!