Week 5 - 1st February
Hello Year 2! We hope you are all keeping safe and well.
A very exciting week ahead where we will look at food chains in Science and in Geography we are continuing our topic about China. We will be comparing the cities of Beijing and London. Following on from this our DT will be to create a Chinese Dragon puppet
In maths we will be focussing on sharing and how to divide numbers. In English we will become newspaper reporters, write a letter and create an acrostic poem.
On Thursday there is an activity day. Lots of fun ideas, learning at the centre of all of them.
Please try and send us one email each week to bpsy2@beanfieldprimary.org with pictures showing us what you've been getting up to at home - we'd love to see your learning. You can also use this email address if you've got any questions about any of the work we have set.
Don't forget to try and complete the end of week quiz on Friday to show us what you've been learning. There is also a story, this week read by Miss Skidmore, for you to enjoy.
Extra website resources:
Phonics play
Busy things (SEN)
Stay safe and try your very best!
The Year 2 Team