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Beanfield Primary School

Week 6 - 8th February

Hi Year 6!

We hope you’re all doing well. 

This week in Maths, we will be continuing with comparing fractions, decimals and percentages and ordering them. After this we will be focussing on finding percentages of amounts in order to answer reasoning and problem-solving questions. In SPaG, we will be looking in depth at some punctuation to improve our writing, specifically colons and semi-colons.

This week, on Tuesday, we will celebrate ‘Safer Internet Day’ when we will be asking you to refocus on your safe use of the internet which is so important as we have all increased our tome online in current times.

Following this, in English, we will be looking at Poetry and using limericks to entertain the reader. Then we will be comparing the structure and meaning of different poems with similarities and difference before finally composing our own poems. In Topic, we are going to be using our History skills to analyse and interpret Ancient Greek artefacts and what they can tell us about Greek life. In P.E we will be taking part in a Beanfield dance challenge to create your own dance routine and following a Joe Wicks workout to create workout cards to help other stay active. Science will look at living fossils and adaptation and in Art you will become the next Andy Warhol recreating his famous pop art soup can – creativity and imagination is key.

We’re sure you’re all working very hard at home – remember to write down or email any questions you might want to ask your teacher.  If you do an incredible piece of work and need to show the world – please post it on Class Dojo so we can see it. Alternatively you can email it over so we can see it. You can send your questions and pictures to: and fill in the end of week quiz. Also don’t forget to have a look at our stories on the website each week read by a different member of Year 6.

Keep safe! We hope to see you all very soon!

Year 6 Team