Week 7 - 22nd February
Hello Everyone in Nursery,
We hope this message finds you well. We are missing seeing you in Nursery but love seeing all the messages you are posting on our Class Dojo pages. Thank you so much for these. We would like to receive something from you everyday if possible but at least once a week.
This week it’s the start of our new topic ‘Let’s Get Growing.’ We are going to learn about how plants grow and talk about how we grow too. Fingers crossed the weather is getting a little better so you can go for a walk looking for signs of spring.
Mrs Lumsden has recorded a video with our story of the week. You can find the link here or via Class Dojo.
Don’t forget to try our quiz on Friday.
If you need any help with the remote learning please get in touch via Class Dojo or our nursery email address
Take care,
Miss Cross and the Nursery Team