Week 8 - 1st March
Hello Year 6!
We hope you’re all doing well.
This week in Maths, we will begin to explore simple algebra by finding the value of different shapes and missing values. After this, you will be moving onto applying algebra to practical problems including area and calculating the ingredients needed for different recipes.
In SPaG, we will be looking at recognising and using past, present and future tenses. We will also be completing activities based on using the subjunctive form before writing your own sentences. In English, we will be listening to a chapter from the book Floodlands and then writing sentences to describe Zoe’s feelings. Following this, we will plan and write a letter from Zoe to her mum and dad, thinking carefully about the events so far, Zoe’s feelings and her hopes for the future. Remember to include a range of sentence types, emotion words and key events.
In Topic, we are going to be learning a little more about tsunamis and writing a speech to a political leader to tell them your ideas of how we could minimise the effects of a natural event on a town. In P.E, we are going to learn how to play ‘home curling’ either independently or with an opponent. In science, you will be using your knowledge of evolution to design your own animal with special adaptations to cope with the conditions in which they live. Be as creative as you can! Computing will be focussing on the importance of asking for permission before posting something which includes another person. Finally, in PSHCE, we’ll be thinking about the different food groups and using our knowledge to design a healthy meal. If you can, you could even have a go at cooking it!
We’re sure you’re all working very hard at home – remember to write down or email any questions you might want to ask your teacher. If you do an incredible piece of work and would like us to see it, take a picture of your work and upload it onto Class Dojo. You can also send your questions and pictures to: BPSY6@beanfieldprimary.org. Don’t forget to fill out the end of week quiz as well as have a look at our stories on the website each week. You will need these for your English work.
Keep safe! We hope to see you all very soon!
Year 6 Team