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Beanfield Primary School

Young Carers

Beanfield is committed in recognising and supporting our young carers within school. A Young Carer is a young person who provides practical or emotional support for another person, due to mental or physical ill-health or disability, long-term illness, drug, or alcohol misuse. 

We are PROUD to announce we have been awarded the Bronze Award from the Young Carers Service for all of the work we do with our Young Carers in school. 

They could do some or all of the following;  

  • Practical tasks, such as cooking, housework, and shopping. 
  • Physical care, such as lifting, helping them on the stairs.  
  • Personal care, such as dressing, washing, helping with toilet needs.  
  • Supporting with medication such as reminders and/or administration.  
  • Looking after or “parenting” younger siblings. 
  • Emotional Support.  
  • Interpreting, due to hearing or speech impairment or because English is not the family’s first language. 

We have two designated Young Carers’ School Leads;


Chelsea Harley                                                                                 Sarah Fleming

We have a weekly Young Carers Lunch Club that students can attend, and this takes place on a Thursday lunchtime in the Extended Provision. Young carers can come and relax, play games, eat their lunch, and chat with other young carers and talk about any concerns with the leads.  

On the first Thursday of each month, we hold a Young Carer’s coffee morning. This is held in the Extended Provision from 8:40am – 10:00am for the parent/carers of our young carers. We provide tea, coffee, biscuits, and a welcoming environment for all.  

If you think your child/children is a young carer or would like more information on the support we provide, please don’t hesitate to email our Young Carer’s Leads, 

Further information can be found on the Northamptonshire Young Carers website.